Armchair Detective

Margaret Thatcher, prime minister 1979-90Just reading an article about Margaret Thatcher’s funeral and found she wanted a particular passage from the Book of Common Prayer read: “Man that is born of a woman hath but a short time to live and is full of misery. He cometh up and is cut down like a flower.” Then looked up when Book of Common Prayer was written: 1549. I wonder if Shakespeare knew that passage.

imagesInteresting connections, considering there are currently people protesting on the streets of London because they thought Thatcher was a kind of Macbeth. Personally, I think the identifying factor is killing people. She wasn’t a murderer, just a Conservative. Here are two pictures of Mrs. Thatcher, one friendly and one very Macbethish.

Perfect Macbeth!!!

mcavoymacbethThis would get your attention: “In the press performance of Macbeth, McAvoy made his stage entrance with a machete held aloft, screaming, making a mock swipe at a front row audience member.”

Here’s the poster from the current production of Macbeth playing at Trafalgar Studios in London. James McAvoy is playing Macbeth with an all Scottish cast. In my opinion this has to be the best casting ever. McAvoy is an absolutely brilliant actor who plays angry extremely well. In fact, he reamed out an audience member who attempted to film him and stopped the whole play to do it. I say “Good for him!” People should know better. Here’s the story and here are the pictures!

James McAvoy suffers a bout of ‘stage rage’ as he performs in London as Macbethmcavoyrain

Yahoo! You finished reading!

Here’s a reward for you. This is the 1981 production of Macbeth starring Jeremy Brett, the “charming, psychopathic Macbeth.” Personally, I think this is the best Macbeth of all (in terms of movies.) If you want the full movie, go to my Macbeth blog. I’ve also added an animated Macbeth video.